About Fox Mob Designs

About Fox Mob Designs

My name is Amy. I am a working mom that lives in West Seattle, WA with my husband and daughter. I make the designs on this site and my husband runs the business operations. Most of the images I use are AI-generated but then I tweak them. 

I really appreciate a funny mug or t-shirt in the midst of a busy day. When I am on a tough work call and someone takes a sip from a silly mug, it makes the meeting better. Even if I never say anything to a stranger wearing a shirt that makes me smile, I’m happy to know funny t-shirts are roaming the streets. I have fun making these designs, and if they can bring joy to someone else, I would be thrilled. 

I was born and raised in Seattle and I want to give back to my community. We have the ‘Seattle Stuff’ marked to make sure you know that 15% of our profit from the sale of those designs will be donated to the PTSA of our daughter’s school. 

Thank you for stopping by our site and please visit Seattle!
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